How to become an engineer in the United States?

Written by: D4U Immigration

If you are an engineer in Brazil and want to live and work in the United States, you should know that there is a high demand and appreciation for these professionals in different fields. There are more vacancies than qualified workers to fill them.

A Engineering is among the professions of national interest in the USA, which can speed up and facilitate the path to green card approval. Applicants can apply for an EB2 visa under the NIW (National Interest Waiver) mode. ). Find out what the requirements are for acquiring a work visa in the USA and what you need to do to avoid being denied. EB-2 NIW visa application denied.

Among the areas of engineering with the most opportunities in the country are: civil (for large-scale and residential construction), chemical, oil and gas, production, electronics, electrical and telecommunications and networks.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the US Department of Labor, engineering vacancies are expected to grow by 4% from 2014 to 2024, with the addition of 65,000 new jobs.

In the D4U Cast, Wagner Pontes, founder of D4U USA Group, and Paula Kasparian, the group’s communications director, compare the salaries of Brazilian and American engineers. One of the examples cited is that of a chemical engineer, who earns an average annual salary of US$ 168,000 in the USA and R$ 87,000 in Brazil, remembering that these figures are estimated and vary from state to state.

Engineers interested in working in the USA must validate their diploma by passing an exam in the state where they will be working and be issued with regional certification. Depending on the field, they may also be required to take additional exams.

If you want to know more about the salaries of engineers working in Brazil and the USA, watch the full D4U Cast video: Quer trabalhar nos EUA? Então veja nossos serviços de assessoria de vistos!

D4U Immigration

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