Immigrants are increasingly looking for destinations that can offer experiences and moments, says expert

Written by: D4U Immigration

More than just an international experience, getting to know a new place and a different culture, immigrating to another country is directly linked to the search for a better quality of life, motivated by factors ranging from professional dissatisfaction to the violence of big cities. The desire to live in another country with a view to general well-being has increasingly been among the priorities of potential immigrants, according to immigration consultancy D4U Immigration, which receives around 3,300 visa inquiries a month and has recorded a 35% increase in contracts in 2022. See more details about our US visa consultancy! “After the stabilization of the pandemic, with more intensity this year, immigrants have been looking much more closely at the possibility of living in a country that can provide a better standard of living, career opportunities and the ability to raise a family more safely,” says Wagner Pontes, founder of D4U Immigration. “And these motivations have gone further, as people who intend to live abroad are increasingly considering settling in locations that can offer them individual or family experiences,” he adds. According to the executive, people are turning to the consultancy to help them find cities that can combine all these desires in one place. “After everything we’ve experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic, people have chosen to live in another country in order to experience more things and places, enjoying more and more the events and everything that their new life can offer them,” Wagner concludes.

The main motivations that lead Brazilians to immigrate to the USA, according to D4U: – Better standard of living
– Career opportunities
– Possibility of entrepreneurship or investment
– Security
– Cost of living
– Education
– Ability of the country/city to offer moments and experiences (for individuals or families) And if this is your dream, you can immigrate to the US with the help of an immigration planning. About D4U Immigration
Created in 2015, D4U Immigration has already benefited more than 6,000 people and has a 99% approval rate in applications submitted to USCIS, the US immigration department. In 2021, it was awarded the prize for best immigration consultancy in the USA and Latin America by Legal Awards. D4U Immigration helps Brazilian families gain permanent residency (Green Card) and has an extensive network of professionals and partners who offer complementary services and help identify and choose the best option for schools, houses, and all the other procedures for the best stay in the United States. This year, D4U entered the European market and merged with one of the largest European immigration companies to offer clients who prefer the culture of another continent. Press information
Priscilla Natale – [email protected]
Beatriz Turella – [email protected]

D4U Immigration

Eleita a melhor assessoria imigratória dos EUA e América Latina, fruto do compromisso firmado com os clientes, a D4U Immigration é uma empresa que tem auxiliado milhares de pessoas a viverem e trabalharem nos Estados Unidos.

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