United States: a place of opportunity

Written by: D4U Immigration

The beginning of the year is precisely the time when people start to put into practice the planning needed to achieve the goals they set in December, whether it’s buying a property, a car, getting married, having a child, traveling or even moving to another country, still anchored by the spirit and emotion of the turn of the year. Approximately 4.2 million Brazilians already enjoy the reality of living abroad, according to estimates by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and thousands more are expected to make the same move in the coming decades. The intention to experience a new life in another country, to get to know a new culture, has already been part of many Brazilians’ goals and will certainly be a dream that many will realize in the coming years. According to Itamaraty data, the USA is still the country most chosen by Brazilians to live in, with 1.9 million people, ahead of Portugal, with 275,000 people, and Paraguay, with 245,000 people. These numbers increase every year for various reasons, such as studying or providing a quality education for those who have children, learning a new culture or having more peace and security, for example. In Brazil, living the “American dream” will continue to be a life goal. Last year, due to the elections, there was a boom in demand for information on immigration visas from people interested in leaving the country for various reasons, including concern about political and economic instability. At D4U Immigration, a consultancy specializing in immigration to the US and Europe, there was a 33% increase in closed contracts and a 100% increase in the demand for information on immigration compared to the period before the elections. This increase is expected to continue into 2023. In addition to dissatisfaction with the political scenario and insecurity about the other sectors that sustain Brazil’s economy, other reasons continue to arouse the desire to live in the USA. Although some economists warn that the US will fall into recession later this year, and inflation and interest rates will continue to rise, the speed of recovery of the world’s leading power should be agile and won’t affect the job market. On the contrary, it’s still on the rise. For those wishing to work professionally in the US, the opportunities are numerous, especially for those working in areas with a shortage of labor. In December alone, the US created 223,000 jobs, bringing the unemployment rate down from 3.7% to 3.5%. Even so, official data from the country’s Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that around 8.3 million positions are expected to be created between 2021 and 2031 to be filled in American companies and, for this reason, immigrating there will increasingly be an option for Brazilians. Only the health sector (check out how to working in nursing in the USA) and social assistance are expected to add 2.6 million jobs.

In addition to health, the areas of engineering, technology, law and aerospace will continue to be responsible for the most attractive salaries, since they fall within the segments that seek specialized professionals and are therefore classified as being of national interest to the US. Due to the low supply of professionals in the US with the specializations required, these professionals are highly sought-after and have high salaries, some positions with annual salaries in the 200 thousand dollar range.

To apply for an opportunity to immigrate to the USA and be able to build and enjoy quality of life in every sense, Brazilians need to meet certain requirements, such as a degree, at least five years’ experience in their field and validate their diploma depending on the field of training, as well as other requirements to be accepted as a permanent resident, i.e. to obtain a permanent residence visa (known as a green card), which can be extended to family members. Another viable route is through investor visawhich does not necessarily have to be a high-investment visa.

For this year, the US Citizenship and Immigration Service has announced that 197,000 work visas will be made available, exceeding the estimated annual quota of 140,000 permits. Like any dream, immigrating to the USA requires planning and hiring specialized services that will provide all the necessary support so that by the end of 2023 this dream will be on the list of achievements. But it’s not just in the US that many people have been looking for better life opportunities. moving to Dubai has also been an option. Sources:
Employment Situation Summary. US. Bureau of Labor Statatitics: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
Employment Projections 2021-2031. US. Bureau of Labor Statistics: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/ecopro.pdf
Employment Projections 2021-2031. US. Bureau of Labor Statistics: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/ecopro.pdf
Fiscal Year 2023 Employment-Based Adjustment of Status FAQs. U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and procedures/fiscal-year-2023-employment-based-adjustment-of-status-faqs

D4U Immigration

Eleita a melhor assessoria imigratória dos EUA e América Latina, fruto do compromisso firmado com os clientes, a D4U Immigration é uma empresa que tem auxiliado milhares de pessoas a viverem e trabalharem nos Estados Unidos.

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